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10 Things I Learnt in ISO

Updated: Jul 2, 2020

Life is slowly returning back to a version of normal. Here's what I learned during life in isolation.


1. Plants take a bloody long time to grow

We use a lot of fresh herbs in our cooking and thought it would be more efficient to grow our own. I was wrong. I have yet to use a single herb out of my new garden and it's been weeks. Makes you think about large scale production and how much land they need to keep up with demand.

2. You save money

No social coffees. No impulse buys. No eating out. Talk about taking the fun out of life. But there are so many other ways to find enjoyment without spending a cent. Like writing poetry that doesn't quite make sense. Get in touch with your creative side while waiting for the world to recommence. All at no expense.

3. I really don't need that many clothes

My wardrobe has been untouched and I've admittedly been wearing maybe the same 2 sets of track pants and tights on rotation. That's apart from my workout attire, of course. The amount of laundry I do has not been reduced.

4. Excellent customer service goes a long way but it's hard to come by

I understand the need for some services to resort to online chat but more often than not, you just can't get the message across. Thankfully, some companies prefer to do things the old fashioned way and actually talk to you and want to help you solve your problem. Those things shouldn't change.

5. Men need regular hair cuts

For days I had to look at my husband resembling a character from Dragon Ball Z.

6. I can never get sick of a homemade breakfast

Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day. Any time of the day. My post-fight meal was always a sausage and egg McMuffin, a hash brown, orange juice and apple pie from Maccas. But there's nothing like having breakfast made at home, just the way you like it.

7. You don't need a gym to stay in shape

Bodyweight exercises are great. Household furniture is better. Tell me which sounds more impressive? Bench pressing 20kg, or bench pressing a coffee table?

8. Netflix has a wide selection that is surprisingly really good

It's refreshing to notice the diversity offered, not only in your options but also within the content. There really is something for everybody.

9. Some things can wait for tomorrow

You should always get things done but in this case, there's an extended timeframe. The clean sheets can sit in a pile until the bed needs to be changed. No one wants to fold a fitted sheet. It can wait.

10. I work so much better under pressure

Tell me to complete a task now and it'll be done before you know it. Give me a month to do something, I'll still do it the day before. I didn't need ISO to realise this. It just became more apparent.

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