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Inside a Boxer's Gym Bag

Ever wonder why boxers carry around such a large gym bag?








Apart from the above essentials, below are some other items I couldn't live without in and out of fight camps.



It's so important to keep track of your progress and recovery. This baby was with me where ever I went. As soon as I woke up, I tracked my HRV. When I ran, it helped me keep my HR in a particular range. When I trained, it told me if I was adequately recovering in between rounds. It's an essential tool to ensure your hard work is improving your conditioning, not hindering it.


When those hard sessions get tough, use beta-alanine. This supp helped me push harder when I needed it most. You'll get the tingles, but you'll be able to sustain a high-intensity training session for longer.


For all those times training on my own, my trusty earphones kept me company.


When I started, social media was nowhere as big as it is now. It was probably best because I focused on boxing rather than being a content creator. I still had a tripod for my phone to capture all of those moments grinding. Self-promotion was essential but even more so now.


I planned most of my training sessions, but you never know when you need to change and go at it again. It's always better to be prepared than caught out.


Even today, I am a constant snacker. Nutrition helps drive performance, so fuel yourself with the right foods. Musli and nut bars, bananas and protein shakes were an easy go-to. Also, curbing those cravings during fight camp meant having the right foods available.


I had these in my bag primarily for fight night. Sometimes you fight later on the card and need that hit to get you going. Also, if I couldn't get a decent coffee anywhere and needed a pick-me-up, these strips were a no-fail alternative.


My infamous body spanner was essentially two connected massage balls. It lived in my bag for all those opportunities between training to trigger tight muscles to stay loose and mobile.


Hygiene is paramount in all contact sports. Keep odours at bay with tea tree or any antibacterial spray or wipes. It keeps your gloves clean, your training partners safe and keeps your bag fresh.

If you're interested in taking your boxing training further, click STRIKE! to book your session. You can also find April at Corporate Box Valley.

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