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Recipe: Banana Kick Smoothie

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

Add a kick to your day with one of my go-to homemade smoothies. It combines all my favourite things: ginger, honey and cinnamon.


If I know I have back to back training sessions, I'll make this smoothie a couple of hours before I head to the gym and then put it in the freezer. By the time I finish my first session, the smoothie is melted just enough to stay chilled and I get that extra energy hit going into the next class.

I don't usually measure out anything when I make smoothies, so I go by taste and what I feel like at the time. Sometimes I'll opt for more ginger for an extra bite, or I won't put in any oats for a lighter shake.

Have a play with the measurements and the ingredients. Feel free to add vanilla protein powder or even yoghurt for a more hearty smoothie. These are approximate values so have a play and add more of what you like.


1 cup of any type of milk

1 x peeled banana

a thumb-sized piece of ginger, chopped

35g oats

1 tsp honey



Vanilla Protein powder



Put all ingredients in a blender.

Top with more cinnamon to finish.

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