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Want to join the Fight Team?

Ever watched the fighters train and wondered how you could train with them? A fighter's class is typically invite-only for those who want to compete.⁠ Its exclusivity is due to a set of criteria required for a person to keep up with the demands of being part of a fight team.⁠


Boxers Emily & Betty working together on their assigned drills
Boxers Emily & Betty working together on their assigned drills

When it comes to joining a fighter's class, coaches look for certain qualities and characteristics that set these boxers apart from the rest. These qualities include:

Understanding of Boxing Fundamentals: Coaches require that their fighters have a solid understanding of the basics of boxing. This includes proper stance, footwork, and the ability to defend themselves under pressure. This enables coaches to focus more on scenario-based training, ringcraft and tactics during fight team training.

Consistency and Commitment: Fighters who are consistent and committed to their training inside and outside the gym are highly sought after. This means showing up to training on a regular basis and putting in the work to improve your skills. This includes attending all scheduled training sessions, completing assigned homework or drills, and being on time for training. Consistency is important because it helps fighters to build momentum and make steady progress in their training. They understand that becoming a successful fighter requires a significant amount of time, effort and dedication, and they are willing to make that investment.

Willingness to Receive and Implement Feedback: A fighter's ability to listen to and implement feedback from their coach is crucial to their success. Coaches want to see that their fighters are open to learning and willing to make changes to improve their technique.

A coach's job is to provide guidance and feedback to help their fighters improve, but it is up to the fighter to take that feedback and apply it in their training and performance. A fighter who is willing to listen to their coach's feedback and make changes to their technique will be much more likely to improve and become a successful fighter.

It's also important for a fighter to have the ability to self-assess and understand their own weaknesses and strengths so that they can work on them. This is where the coach's feedback comes in to help the fighter to identify areas to work on and make adjustments in their training and fight plans.

Effort and Resilience: A fighter's effort and resilience during training are important. Coaches want to see that their fighters are pushing themselves to their limits and have the mental toughness to handle the physical demands of training. This includes the ability to push through pain and discomfort and be able to bounce back from setbacks and maintain a positive attitude even when things get tough. Fighters who are resilient are more likely to be successful in the ring, as they are able to handle the pressures of competition.

Desire to Compete and Grow: Fighters who have a desire to actively compete and grow show that they are not only committed to training but also want to put their skills to the test in competition. Fighters with a strong desire to compete, are more likely to put in the work and make the sacrifices necessary to become successful. They understand that competing is an essential part of the sport and that it is the ultimate test of their skills. They are willing to put themselves on the line and face the challenges of competition head-on.

Fighters who have the desire to grow, understand that becoming a successful fighter is a lifelong journey. They are always seeking out new ways to improve and are willing to put in the work to become the best fighters they can be. They are open to learning and are always looking for new ways to challenge themselves.

Team Player: Being a team player is important for the dynamic of the group. Coaches want to see that their fighters are supportive of their teammates and work well with their training partners.

Boxing is a team sport, and it is important for fighters to have a strong sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Fighters who are supportive of their teammates and work well with others are more likely to have a positive training environment, which can lead to better performance in the ring. Team players understand that they are part of something bigger than themselves. They are willing to put ahead the needs of the team and are always willing to help their teammates when they need it.

Coaches value team players because they understand the importance of a positive training culture and the benefits it brings to the team. They know that fighters who work well with others are more likely to have a positive attitude, have better communication, and are more likely to achieve their goals as a team.

In summary, coaches are looking for fighters who have a strong understanding of boxing fundamentals, are consistent and committed to their training, are willing to receive and implement feedback, train with effort and resilience, have the desire to compete and grow, and are good team players. If you have these qualities and are interested in competing, have a chat with your coach, and they will lead you in the right direction.

If you have any questions about competing or need help achieving your boxing goals, you can contact April here.

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